The key figures in Argentina ’s
military dictatorship of 1976 to 1983 were finally brought to justice in Buenos Aires ..
They received sentances ranging from 50 to 15 years for the reign of terror they inflicted on Argentina
They received sentances ranging from 50 to 15 years for the reign of terror they inflicted on Argentina
Their pretence that
they had fought a noble war was stripped away from them as the eleven men were
convicted of a systematic plan of baby theft and illegal adoptions.
The 11 included former Junta leader Jorge Videla, Reynaldo
Bigone, and Jorge (the tiger) Acosta. All already serving life for countless
other human rights abuses and murders.
During the
dictatorship 76 to 83 it is estimated that up to 30,000 Argentines were
kidnapped off the streets and taken to illegal detention centres. Once there
they were horribly tortured and many of the women raped by Argentina ’s so called
Of these 30,000 it
is estimated that up to 500 were pregnant women. These women gave birth in
captivity and were then killed. Usually by being hurled drugged and naked from
military aircraft into the River Plate (Rio De La Plata ) or some
times dumped in pits or sometimes their bodies would simply be burned along
with old tyres in order to conceal the smell.
But justice has
returned to Argentina
and via a huge DNA testing programme the authorities have managed to find 105
of the stolen babies to reunite them with the surviving members of their
extended families.
And with each reclaimed
life came more evidence against Argentina ’s
brutal dictatorship. Culminating in this trial where they were exposed to the
country and the world for what they truly were/are.
JB Buenos Aires
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