Myspaceba Bataxis tours and Transfers Blog


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Frinking a new word in the dictionary From Buenos Aires

5:17 PM Unknown
In 2010 a group of expats in Buenos Aires decided to start meeting up on Fridays after work for a few drinks. The group soon became known as the Frinkers (The Friday Night Drinkers) And the group has grown and grown sometimes attracting upto 70 people. They have now hit the magical number of One hundred Frinking nights.
And the group has now been rewarded by the urban dictionary adding the word frinking to their updated dictionary. See example Below
The act of heading out for a drink on a Friday night after work with friends. (FRIday driNKING). Frinks (the drinks) and Frinkers (those that head out Frinking) all stem from the root verb "To Frink". Originated amongst ex-pats in Buenos Aires in 2010 and has spread to other English language countries as travelers have passed on.
I'm heading out Frinking tonight.

Every week since 2010, Frinking has taken place in Buenos Aires on a Friday night, with a Facebook Events Group, and Meet Up Group to promote it.

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